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Michael D Goodman

I am fortunate to have been in both the learning and technology space for most of my 35 plus years in sales. While it is great that ADP is adopting this mindset, the reality is this is and has been a big deal in corporate organization development for years and now is a raging monster in public education.

In Disrupting Class, Clayton Christensen defines the role of technology and innovation in changing the lives of struggling school kids. In the late 90's I worked with Org Dev leaders to define legitimate ROI for training and education and its value to the P & L statements of any company.

Then as now the only way to do it was to assess the difference in skill sets both Pre and Post intervention to discover the impact of training.

I wasn't able to listen to the program on Dec 9, but I can't tell you how glad I am to see companies taking the right approach to sales success in their team environments. ADP will only find higher and higher degrees of success with their efforts by simply understanding the world they operate in better and adapting their education methodology to fit.

My great curiosity now will be to see whether or not they are able to accurately assess and intervene in the will to succeed as well as the "how" to succeed. Frankly, that in my mind is the missing link in good sales training which seems to be rarely adequately addressed.

Thanks Gerhard for putting this magazine together for so many years and for all your work in promoting sales as an honorable and dignified profession.

Michael D Goodman
Revenue Kinetics, LLC
[email protected]

Josiane Feigon

Excellent post and very timely. Sales trainers have double duty now- they need to upgrade their delivery methods and skills and also teach teams how to sell in a sales 2.0 landscape. Great insights and analysis.

Dave Brookmire

Excellent insights about how sales needs to adapt to generations of the buyers. Sales training should be adapting not only to the millennials but also to the Gen Xer and Boomer sellers and buyers. We are in an unprecedented time in sales history, and have three generations of sales reps selling to three generations of buyers. Each of the sales and buyer generations have different preferences about learning, technology, attitudes toward relationships, etc. Our recently completed buyer survey showed that all generations are comfortable in different degrees with making purchases through email and phone methods and not just face-to-face based on the purchase price of the products and services. Developing the skills to compete in this technology based and generationally diverse customer base is critical to staying relevant.

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